Winter Round Up

With the Autumn term at an end, I wanted share some of the many wonderful Art and DT projects the children have been working on this term.

Vibrant city skylines at sunset by Year 1.

Year 1 also learnt about axels and wheels this term while making their own model racing cars.

Year 2 Enjoyed making working lighthouses and floating pirate ships.

Paper Mache Heroes and Villains by Year 3.

Native American Totem Poles by Year 4

Abstract roller-coaster art and K’nex funfair by Year 5

Mixed media artwork titled ‘Aurora borealis’ by Year 6

It has been great working with the children this term and I am very proud of everyone’s hard work. I look forward to seeing everyone in the new year and starting the next set of projects.

Have a lovely break everyone and happy new year!

Mr Smith